h2strongProduct Detailsstrongh2
socket LGA 20113
Motherboard model X99 RS9
Structure MATXChipset C226B85 random transmission
Memory slot 4DDR4 four memory channels
Maximum memory supported 416GB DDR4
Supported memory types The memory types support DDR4 desktop and server memory Please use Samsung Kingston SanDisk Micron Hynix and other international brands other brands are incompatible
LAN port 101001000Mbpss
Video output port requires graphics card support
Interface 1RJ451PS24SATA306USB202USB301PCIE x161PCIE x11NVME M2 interface 1NGFF M2 interface1NGFF M2 wifi interface
Motherboard size 235185mm
Motherboard weight including packaging about 09kg
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