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p stylefontfamily Poppins sansserif fontsize 14px fontweight 400 letterspacing normal lineheight 16em textalign center margin 0px 0px 15px 0px aligncenterstrongspan stylefontsize 18pxKAIWEETS KWS302spanstrongp
p stylefontfamily Poppins sansserif fontsize 14px fontweight 400 letterspacing normal lineheight 16em textalign center margin 0px 0px 15px 0px aligncenterspan classasizelarge producttitlewordbreak stylefontsize 16pxAutomatic Wire Stripper with Crimp Connectors and Terminalsspanp
p stylefontfamily Poppins sansserif fontsize 14px fontweight 400 letterspacing normal lineheight 16em textalign center margin 0px 0px 15px 0px aligncenterstrongspan stylefontsize 18pxWire Stripping Tool Setspanstrongp
h1 idtitle classasizelarge aspacingnone style arial sansseriffontsize 24px fontweight 400 letterspacing normal lineheight 32px textalign center margin 0px padding 0px aligncenterspan classasizelarge producttitlewordbreak stylefontsize 16pxAutomatic Wire Stripper with 260PCS Crimp Connectors and Terminalsspanh1
p stylefontfamily Poppins sansserif fontsize 14px fontweight 400 letterspacing normal lineheight 16em textalign center margin 0px 0px 15px 0px aligncenterstrongspan stylefontsize 18pxKAIWEETS Product Family Portraitspanstrongp
p styletextalign center aligncenterstrongspan stylefontsize 18pxKAIWEETS KWS103spanstrongp
p styletextalign center aligncenterspan classasizelarge producttitlewordbreak stylefontsize 16pxMultiFunction Wire Stripping Stripping wire amp Crimping wire amp Cutting wirespanp
p styletextalign center aligncenterstrongspan stylefontsize 18pxSuitable for a variety of wiresspanstrongp
p styletextalign center aligncenterspan stylefontsize 16pxYou can use KWS103 for most of the wires you use spanp
p stylefontfamily Poppins sansserif fontsize 14px fontweight 400 letterspacing normal lineheight 16em textalign center margin 0px 0px 15px 0px aligncenterspan stylefontsize 18pxstrongAdjustable Stripping Length Guide Ruler strongspanp
p stylefontfamily Poppins sansserif fontsize 14px fontweight 400 letterspacing normal lineheight 16em textalign center margin 0px 0px 15px 0px aligncenterspan stylefontsize 16pxCome with selfadjusting jaws ideal for copper and aluminum cables from 1024AWG 026MM2 Thumb wheel micro adjusting swivel knob to strip wire smaller than 24 AWG spanp
p styletextalign center aligncenterspan stylefontsize 18pxstrongStripping with AWG signstrongspanp
p styletextalign center aligncenterspan stylefontsize 16pxSharp edge for easy stripping of wires spanp
p stylefontfamily Poppins sansserif fontsize 14px fontweight 400 letterspacing normal lineheight 16em textalign center margin 0px 0px 15px 0px aligncenterspan stylefontsize 18pxstrongCutting Pliersstrongspanp
p stylefontfamily Poppins sansserif fontsize 14px fontweight 400 letterspacing normal lineheight 16em textalign center margin 0px 0px 15px 0px aligncenterSpecial thickened blades allow for easy and efficient cable cutting Plastic amp cushion grip handle provides maximum leverage PPamp TPR and increased comfort and reduced hand fatigue making the grip Self Adjustingp
p stylefontfamily Poppins sansserif fontsize 14px fontweight 400 letterspacing normal lineheight 16em textalign center margin 0px 0px 15px 0px aligncenterstrongspan stylefontsize 18pxCrimping insulated and noninsulated terminalsspanstrongp
p stylefontfamily Poppins sansserif fontsize 14px fontweight 400 letterspacing normal lineheight 16em textalign center margin 0px 0px 15px 0px aligncenterspan stylefontsize 16pxWide range it is easy to find the right one spanp
p stylefontfamily Poppins sansserif fontsize 14px fontweight 400 letterspacing normal lineheight 16em textalign center margin 0px 0px 15px 0px aligncenterspan stylefontsize 16px Insulated terminal crimp 2210AWG056mm? Noninsulated terminal crimp 1210AWG46mm? spanp
p stylefontfamily Poppins sansserif fontsize 14px fontweight 400 letterspacing normal lineheight 16em textalign center margin 0px 0px 15px 0px aligncenterspan stylefontsize 16px Noninsulated terminal crimp 1614AWG1525mm? Noninsulated terminal crimp 2218AWG051mm? spanp
p stylefontfamily Poppins sansserif fontsize 14px fontweight 400 letterspacing normal lineheight 16em textalign center margin 0px 0px 15px 0px aligncenterspan stylefontsize 18pxstrongMultiple Functionsstrongspanp
p styletextalign center aligncenterspan stylefontsize 16pxStripping with AWG sign Cutting with the edges in the middle Crimping insulated and noninsulated terminalsspanp
p stylefontfamily Poppins sansserif fontsize 14px fontweight 400 letterspacing normal lineheight 16em textalign center margin 0px 0px 15px 0px aligncenterstrongspan stylefontsize 18pxProduct Showspanstrongp