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div classdetailmodule_imagespan stylecolor 555555 fontfamily OpenSans fontsize 20px fontweight 900CAT7 Keystone Couplerspandiv
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p classdetaildescdecoratecontent stylefontfamily OpenSans fontsize 14px fontweight 300 lineheight 20px marginbottom 12pxFor Network Cable Extensionp
div classdetailmodule_imagespan stylecolor 555555 fontfamily OpenSans fontsize 20px fontweight 900Network Cable Extended at Willspandiv
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p classdetaildescdecoratecontent stylefontfamily OpenSans fontsize 14px fontweight 300 lineheight 20px marginbottom 12pxCombine two network cables into one to complement insufficiency in embedment or the cable is not long enoughp
div classdetailmodule_imagespan stylecolor 555555 fontfamily OpenSans fontsize 20px fontweight 900Stable Transmission amp Extending Lossless Signalspandiv
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p classdetaildescdecoratecontent stylefontfamily OpenSans fontsize 14px fontweight 300 lineheight 20px marginbottom 12pxEasy to play games without droppingp
div classdetailmodule_imagespan stylecolor 555555 fontfamily OpenSans fontsize 20px fontweight 900Metal Shielding Layer amp Thickened PCBspandiv
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p classdetaildescdecoratecontent stylefontfamily OpenSans fontsize 14px fontweight 300 lineheight 20px marginbottom 12pxFixed interfaceshields electromagnetic interference
Embedded circuit against oxidation and damagep
div classdetailmodule_imagespan stylecolor 555555 fontfamily OpenSans fontsize 20px fontweight 900Pins of Goldplated Phosphor Bronzespandiv
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p classdetaildescdecoratecontent stylefontfamily OpenSans fontsize 14px fontweight 300 lineheight 20px marginbottom 12pxFirm contact and stable transmissionp
div classdetailmodule_imagespan stylecolor 555555 fontfamily OpenSans fontsize 20px fontweight 900PVC shellspandiv
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p classdetaildescdecoratecontent stylefontfamily OpenSans fontsize 14px fontweight 300 lineheight 20px marginbottom 12pxOnepiece injection moldingp
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p classdetaildescdecoratetitle stylefontfamily OpenSans fontsize 20px fontweight 900 lineheight 28px marginbottom 12pxStable Buckle Plug and Playp
p classdetaildescdecoratecontent stylefontfamily OpenSans fontsize 14px fontweight 300 lineheight 20px marginbottom 12pxAdopt the fullywrapped advanced plug sleeve design at both ends and the enclosed insulation module protects the circuit boardp
div classdetailmodule_imagespan stylecolor 555555 fontfamily OpenSans fontsize 20px fontweight 900Multipurposespandiv
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p classdetaildescdecoratecontent stylefontfamily OpenSans fontsize 14px fontweight 300 lineheight 20px marginbottom 12pxCombine two short network cables into a longer one
Protect the jack from damage incurred by highfrequent swappingp