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span stylefontsize 18pxstrongBullet Pointsstrongspan
span stylefontsize 18px1Novel Design The triangle shape design which fully makes use of the space span
span stylefontsize 18pxof the sink corner and wont take up additional space inside the sinkspan
span stylefontsize 18px2Elastic and Flexible Drain groove design can let the water run off and make sponge and scrubber span
span stylefontsize 18pxdry These mesh bags are elastic and flexible easy to connect to the 7point holder and maintain stabilityspan
span stylefontsize 18px3Excellent Function The fine mesh captures all small food particles that would normally slide throughspan
span stylefontsize 18px the filter Effectively prevent hair paper scraps food scraps fabric and any other garbage into the drainspan
span stylefontsize 18px4Economical amp Practical Filter out the kitchenrestaurant leftovers with the purpose of protecting span
span stylefontsize 18pxthe kitchen drainage not to block the drainpipe and it helps to save space and keep the kitchen cleanspan
divspan stylefontsize 18px5Package Included 1 drain rack 50 storage bags suction cup bottom simple and convenient to usespandiv
span stylefontsize 18px span
span stylefontsize 18pxstrongSpecification strongspan
span stylefontsize 18pxSizeapprox span
span stylefontsize 18pxTotal height 22mm086inspan
span stylefontsize 18pxBoard thickness 4mm016inspan
span stylefontsize 18pxMaterial plasticspan
span stylefontsize 18pxstrongPacking Liststrongspan
span stylefontsize 18px1Drain Rspanspan stylefontsize 18px