h2 styletextalign leftspan stylecolor 07edb0Improve Your Golf Game And Save Money On Coachingspanh2
divimg stylemarginleft auto marginright auto srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1026366705727filesezgifcomgifmaker_4e0eb65474a54ebabc9a5a8898ba273c_480x480gifv1600050965 alt width402 height237 div
div styletextalign center datamcefragment1span stylecolor 808080strongPractice the coordination between your hands and body Improve performance and reduce the risk of injury TopFlex Trainer corrects a golf players upper body rotation motion through simulation of locking fingers wrist angles and shoulder alignment while stretching the right muscles for swingingstrongspandiv
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divspan datamcefragment1img stylemarginleft auto marginright auto srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1026366705727filesezgifcomgifmaker_8bb1b6f8dbfc49aeadeea998af237494_480x480gifv1600049755 alt width406 height406 datamcefragment1 spandiv
h3 styletextalign left datamcefragment1b datamcefragment1HIGHLIGHT FEATURESbh3
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li datamcefragment1b datamcefragment1GET GOLF FITNESSbli
divspan stylecolor 808080Improve your game and greater your potential as a golfer by practicing a correct posture increasing muscle strength and flexibility TopFlex Trainer is an easy to use and straightforward training device The wide Y design and curved tube help stretch your arms and shoulders as you practice your swing posturespandiv
divimg stylemarginleft auto marginright auto srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1026366705727filesezgifcomcrop_4_480x480gifv1600050847 alt width411 height365 datamcefragment1 div
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li datamcefragment1b datamcefragment1GET GOOD CONTROL IN PUSH AND PULLbli
divspan datamcefragment1Having good control on chest and shoulder presses provides better stabilization and movement of shoulders during a swing It also allows you to control the club better for swinging gripping and clampingspandiv
divimg stylemarginleft auto marginright auto srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1055679058107filesft5_1024x1024_fd1126fce9bc4b03a557eaafa3366333_480x480jpgv1621956252 alt width422 height422 datamcefragment1 div
ul datamcefragment1
li datamcefragment1b datamcefragment1IMPROVE YOUR SPEED AGILITY AND QUICKNESSbli
divspan stylecolor 808080Correct posture great stretching and warmup lead to better golf performance and lesser risk of injury TopFlex Trainer can be used for internal and external rotation warm up Make 90degree swing and a full swing mode Remember and familiarize your muscles with the proper posturespandiv
divimg stylemarginleft auto marginright auto srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1026366705727filesezgifcomvideotogif_ffd6b157f3864b15a60b4a0afe6bb2f7_480x480gifv1600049846 alt width422 height422 datamcefragment1 div
listrongREDUCE RISK OF INJURYstrongli
divspan stylecolor 808080Mobilize your joints that dont have a full range of motion No more wobbling during squats Stabilize your posture and stance and get better control of your clubbing and practice swing techniques Keep your hips and shoulder blades in place to prevent injuries especially on the fingers lower spine and shouldersspandiv
divimg stylemarginleft auto marginright auto srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1026366705727filesft6_853472552db149ef90dcc5a633ace7f9_480x480jpgv1600058442 alt width423 height423 div
h2 datamcefragment1HOW TO USEspan datamcefragment1 spanspan datamcefragment1TopFlexspanh2
divstrong datamcefragment11 To Improve Your Backswingstrongdiv
divstrong datamcefragment1img srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1055679647934filesezgifcomgifmaker_29_480x480gifv1620224086 alt datamcefragment1 strongdiv
divstrong datamcefragment12 To Improve Your Downswingstrongdiv
divstrong datamcefragment1img srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1055679647934filesezgifcomgifmaker_30_480x480gifv1620224086 alt datamcefragment1 strongdiv
divstrong datamcefragment13 To Improve Your Hip Rotationstrongdiv
divstrong datamcefragment1img srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1055679647934filesezgifcomgifmaker_31_480x480gifv1620224086 alt datamcefragment1 strongdiv
divstrong datamcefragment14 To Eliminate Early Extensionstrongdiv
divimg srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1055679647934filesezgifcomgifmaker_32_480x480gifv1620224086 alt datamcefragment1 div
divstrong datamcefragment15 To Improve Post Impact amp Finishstrongdiv
divimg srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1055679647934filesezgifcomgifmaker_33_480x480gifv1620224086 alt datamcefragment1 div
divstrong datamcefragment16 To Improve Your Puttingstrongdiv
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divspan stylecolor 07edb0strong datamcefragment1Q Is it effectivestrongspandiv
divYes It is a simple yet very effective golf training aid Its a versatile tool that helps resolve posture and alignment issues most golfers struggle with like slices hooks chicken wings and even no velocity shotsdiv
divspan stylecolor 07edb0strong datamcefragment1Q Can I use it if Im lefthandedstrongspandiv
divYes Its designed where it can be used by lefthanded players as welldiv
divspan stylecolor 07edb0strong datamcefragment1Q How often do I have to use it to see improvementstrongspandiv
divThe recommended ratio of this training device is 101 10 swing rehearsals for each ball hit Whats good about this training aid is its portability allows you to practice your swings indoors and outdoors anytime anywherediv
divspan stylecolor 07edb0strong datamcefragment1Q What Swings can I practice with itstrongspandiv
divDesigned to help golfers with their back swing and downswing The special and versatile designs help the player maintain proper posture and alignment through comfortable arm extension forearm rotation and shoulder turn By consistently practicing your swing you will eventually familiarize the feel of proper positioning of your body and be able to control your swings and even your followthroughdiv
h3 datamcefragment1strong datamcefragment1SPECIFICATIONstrongh3
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divspan datamcefragment1Materials Fiberglass Absspandiv
divspan datamcefragment1Color Red amp Blackspandiv
divspan datamcefragment1Size 52cm x 40cmspandiv
divimg srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1026366705727filesspecs_275b387955f34f84b408634cf8d73296_480x480jpgv1600049465 alt datamcefragment1 div
h3 datamcefragment1strong datamcefragment1PACKAGE INCLUSIONstrongh3
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divspan datamcefragment11 x spanTopFlex span datamcefragment1Trainerspandiv
Weight | .250 kg |
Dimensions | 52 × 40 × 30 cm |