Key Features
Display LCD Digital
Accuracy 001
Resolution 001
Operating Temperature 060C
Measuring Range 0001400
Probe Type Precision glass bulb electrode
Lock function makes it easy to read and record press HOLD button then remove from test solution
4 Display modes press SHIFT button TDS ppm amp C EC ?scm amp C TDS ppm amp F EC ?scm amp F
5 minute Auto Shut Off feature so battery wont run down
Measurement Range Conductivity 0 9990 ?scm
TDS 0 5000 ppm parts per million
Degrees Celsius 01 800C
Fahrenheit 320 1760F
Accuracy 2
Net weight 55g
1Remove protective cap
2First rinse the electrode with distilled water and suck it with filter paper
3Turn the meter on by pressing ONOFF key
4Immerse the pH meter electrode in the solution to be tested should not be over the immersion line
5Stir gently and wait around 30 seconds till the reading stabilizes
6After finishing clear the electrode with pure water turn the meter off by pressing ONOFF key
7Always replace the protective cap after use
1Turn on PH meter
2Disolve each buffer solution in 250ML of distilled water
3Immerse the electrode into the PH 686 solutionunder the temperature of 25
4Press the CALcalibrationbutton for 5 seconds and release
Display will start flashing 686
Wait until the display stops flashing
Rinse the electrode with distilled water and dry it with filter paper
5Immerse the electrode in PH 400 solution
PressCALbutton for 5 secondsthen press and release immediately second time
Reading will start flashing 400
Wait until display stops flashing
Rinse and dry the electrode with distilled water as before
6Place the meter back to the buffer solution to test calibrationIf incorrectplease repeat the calibration
7If approximate PH of your test solution is known to be above 70calibrate the meter using 686 and 918 solution To do thisplease follow the calibration chartThe third step is the calibration method for 918 point
11 x TDS Meter 1x ph meter with retail box
21 x Carrying case of tds
31 x Users manual
43 x buffer
Please read the manual carefully before using
battery tdsampec need CR 2032 ph need LR44 battery not include