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p classdetaildescdecoratetitle stylefontfamily OpenSans fontsize 20px fontweight 900 lineheight 28px marginbottom 12px30MLBottle Professional Tattoo Pigment Inks Safe Half Permanent Tattoo Paints Supplies for Body Beauty Tattoo Artp
p classdetaildescdecoratecontent stylefontfamily OpenSans fontsize 14px fontweight 300 lineheight 20px marginbottom 12pxspan stylefontsize 16px fontfamily arial helvetica sansserifstrongFeaturesstrongspanspan stylefontsize 16px fontfamily arial helvetica sansserif
One of the most popular inks in the world
Sterilised to the highest standard
Can shade body with bright color
Safe and easy to use long duration
Favored among professional tattoo artistsspanp
strongspan stylefontsize 16px fontfamily arial helvetica sansserifDescriptionsspanstrongspan stylefontsize 16px fontfamily arial helvetica sansserif
Create dynamic shades and easy absorption into the skinspan
strongspan stylefontsize 16px fontfamily arial helvetica sansserifSpecificationsspanstrongspan stylefontsize 16px fontfamily arial helvetica sansserif
Color red yellow white black blue grass green light purple
Size 100x27mm
Capacity 30MLspan
Package Included
1 Bottle of Tattoo Ink