span stylecolor 2b00ffbiGet your home free from insects without killing themibspan
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span stylefontweight 400People in your house hates spiders and these insects just keep on coming to your home to scare you Capture and release them somewhere else safe using the spanspan stylecolor 5cb305bSpider Catcherbspanspan stylefontweight 400span
span stylefontweight 400img stylemarginleft automarginright auto srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1007494828084files2_df2324d60b154b9cbdb0f46481aed188_480x480gifv1574932597 alt span
span stylefontweight 400The spanspan stylecolor 56a902bSpider Catcher bspanspan stylefontweight 400is designed to spanhelp youb span stylecolor 2b00ffcatch spiders and other insectsspan busing its gentle bristlesspan stylecolor 2b00ffb without harming thembspanspan stylefontweight 400 It has spanenough lengthspan stylefontweight 400 to help the catcher spanbspan stylecolor 2b00ffget nearspan bthe spider span stylefontweight 400and spancatch them while keeping a span stylecolor 2b00ffstrongcomfortable distancestrongspanspan stylefontweight 400 span
li stylefontweight 400bspan stylecolor 59ae03Catch Without Harming span
bspan stylefontweight 400The gentle bristles easily catch spiders and other insects without harming themspanli
li stylefontweight 400bspan stylecolor 58ac03Easy To Use span
bspan stylefontweight 400You just have to compress the trigger to open wide the bristles and aim at the insect Then release the trigger to capture the insect Press the trigger again to release the insect elsewherespanli
li stylefontweight 400span stylecolor 5cb306 bEnough Lengthbspanspan stylefontweight 400
It is 2 feet in length which makes it safe for you to spot the insect without getting near to them It also allows you to reach the corners and ceiling easily
img stylemarginleft automarginright auto srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1007494828084filesSpiderCatcher_Rectangle_02_480x480jpgv1574934214 alt spanli
lispan stylecolor 5ab102strongApplicable on Most Insectsstrongspan
b stylefontweight 400You can use it to catch different kinds of insectsbspan stylefontweight 400 like spiders cockroaches mantis stink bugs grasshoppers beetles and morespanli
liMaterials PP ABS Polyamide GPPSli
li stylefontweight 400span stylefontweight 400Color Greenspanli
li stylefontweight 400span stylefontweight 400Weight 160gspanli
li stylefontweight 400span stylefontweight 400Size 66cm X 135cm X 6cm
img stylemarginleft automarginright auto srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1007494828084filesSpiderCatcher_Rectangle_01_480x480jpgv1574934135 alt
li1 x Spider Catcherli