h3strongThe Principle of Sleeping Apnea Monitoringstrongh3
builtin professional biological sensors which can monitor the temperature of breathing airflow use temperature differences to detect apnea events A regular wavy curve is present during normal breathing when the respiratory wave tends to a smooth straight line it indicates that an apnea event has occurred
strongRealtime Sleepbreathing Monitoringstrong
The new breathing monitoring method without PSG can be initially screened for apnea at home
strongHelp You Assess Your Sleep Healthstrong
Snoring may be a symptom of sleep apnea which has a major impact on human health and requires longterm continuous monitoringThrough selfdeveloped patented algorithms intelligently calculate snoring decibels and provide users with snoring data analysis services
h3strongAPP Intelligently Record Sleep Statusstrongh3
Adopt advanced detection technology sensitive sensors and powerful AI algorithms to independently record the sleep stages of deep sleep light sleep and awakening to help you understand your sleep in more detail
strongSleeping Movement Monitoringstrong
Based on highperformance sensors measure and count the body movement of breathing and snoring during sleep and take care of your healthy sleep in multiple dimensions
strongSuggestions For Improving Sleepstrong
Provide personalized sleep improvement methods based on abnormal sleep data to help you improve sleep quality
strongMagnetic Charging Designstrong
Intelligent power saving and low power effectively increasing the working time of the monitor