h2 Featuresh2
liRP2040 microcontroller chip designed by Raspberry Pili
liDualcore Arm Cortex M0 processor running up to 133 MHzli
li264KB of SRAM and 2MB of onboard Flash memoryli
liTypeC interfaceli
liOnboard 128inch 240 240 resolution 65K color IPS LCD display for clear color picturesli
liOnboard lithium battery charging and discharging interfaceli
liAll GPIO are led out through 127 pitch female headers 30 in total but some pins have been connected to internal circuits you need to pay attention when multiplexing please refer to the wiki for detailsli
liUSB 11 with device and host supportli
liLowpower sleep and dormant modesli
liDraganddrop programming using mass storage over USBli
li2 SPI 2 I2C 2 UART 4 12bit ADC 16 controllable PWM channelsli
liAccurate clock and timer onchipli
liTemperature sensorli
liAccelerated floatingpoint libraries onchipli
li8 Programmable IO PIO state machines for custom peripheral supportli