divspan stylefontsize 24pxstrongspan stylefontfamily arial helvetica sansserifKey Featurespanstrongspandiv
span stylefontsize 24pxspan stylefontfamily arial helvetica sansserif4 stainless steel ball bearings 1 roller bearing provides smooth operationspanspan
span stylefontsize 24pxspan stylefontfamily arial helvetica sansserifMachined aluminum spool provides strength without adding excess weightspanspan
span stylefontsize 24pxspan stylefontfamily arial helvetica sansserifPower Disk drag system gives smooth drag performancespanspan
span stylefontsize 24pxspan stylefontfamily arial helvetica sansserifDuragear brass gear for extended gear lifespanspan
span stylefontsize 24pxspan stylefontfamily arial helvetica sansserifMagTrax brake system gives consistent brake pressure throughout the castspanspan
span stylefontsize 24pxspan stylefontfamily arial helvetica sansserifCompact bent handle and star provide a more ergonomic designspanspan
span stylefontsize 24pxspan stylefontfamily arial helvetica sansserifRecessed reel foot allows for a more ergonomic reel designspanspan
span stylefontsize 24pxspan stylefontfamily arial helvetica sansserifOne piece graphite framespanspan
span stylefontsize 24pxspan stylefontfamily arial helvetica sansserifGraphite sideplatesspanspan