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p classdetaildescdecoratetitle stylefontfamily OpenSansfontsize 20pxfontweight 900lineheight 28pxmarginbottom 12pxDescriptionp
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p classdetaildescdecoratecontent stylefontfamily OpenSansfontsize 14pxfontweight 300lineheight 20pxmarginbottom 12pxSpecial DesignedThis trap was designed with the intent to be used in a catch and release style but it is optionable to fill the bucket up with water to make the trap lethal5 Gallon Bucket is NOT included
Cleaner than ever No more need to discard dirty mice with glue or traps which can infect them with a deadly diseaseNow just releasedispose of the mouse without having to go anywhere near the mess
Easy to useAll you have to do is clip it into a standard size 5gallon bucket and use it to catch rats and miceNo longer handle singleuse traps which are often ineffective and unhygienic
Family FriendlyStop purchasing traditional mouse traps which can harm your family pet or even worse your children Our mouse trap is 100 safe
Reasonable useWe can spread peanut butter in the tunnel of the mousetrap and the mouse will follow the smell into the tunnel and fall back into the bucket without getting the peanut butterp
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