h3 styletextalign centerspan stylecolor cf4d04strongGet Exact Measurement Every Time With Easestrongspanh3
divspan stylecolor cf4d04strongimg srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1029276504197filesleogif_480x480gifv1598248246 alt strongspandiv
divspan datapreserverspacestrueThis Professional Miter Protractor spanspan stylecolor ff8000strongeliminates calculations reduces errors and provides greater accuracy for a miter cutstrongspanspan datapreserverspacestruespan stylecolor ff8000span It isspanstrongspan datapreserverspacestrue spanspan stylecolor 2b00ffeasy to use by just set your saw to the angle shown on the protractospanstrongspan datapreserverspacestruespan stylecolor 2b00ffstrongr strongspanUpside down or backward spanspan stylecolor ff2a00strongthe reading is always correct strongspandiv
divspan datapreserverspacestrueThe miterspanstrongspan datapreserverspacestrue span stylecolor ff8000cut arrow and inner scale indicate the exact miter saw setting for an accurate miter joint every timespanspanstrongspan datapreserverspacestruespan stylecolor ff8000span Thespanstrongspan datapreserverspacestrue span stylecolor 2b00ffsinglecut arrow and outer scale indicate the exact miter saw the setting for fitting a single piece to an angle spanspanstrongdiv
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divstrongspan datapreserverspacestrueFEATURESspanstrongdiv
lispan stylecolor ff2a00 strongHighquality and Durablestrongspanspan datapreserverspacestruespan stylecolor ff2a00 spanMade from durable hardened plastic this miter saw protractor is superior and stronger than traditional plastic angle finder It is resistant to scratch and very durablespanli
listrongspan datapreserverspacestruespan stylecolor ff8000Portable and Convenientspan spanstrongspan datapreserverspacestrueWith its adjustable and foldable design not only is this trig jig easy to use but also convenient to carryspanli
lispan stylecolor 2b00ff strongEnsures a smooth and precise operationstrongspanspan datapreserverspacestrue Get precise measurements every time with ease and saves time and effort spanli
lispan stylecolor ff2a00 strongEasy and practical to usestrongspanspan datapreserverspacestruespan stylecolor ff2a00 spanFeatures a onehanded operation with a unique tightening mechanism for that easy and quick measurements spanli
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divstrongspan datapreserverspacestrueSPECIFICATIONSspanstrongdiv
listrongspan datapreserverspacestrueProduct weight spanstrongspan datapreserverspacestrue113 gspanli
listrongspan datapreserverspacestrueProduct sizespanstrongspan datapreserverspacestrue 105 x 58 x 08 cmspanli
listrongspan datapreserverspacestrueColorspanstrongspan datapreserverspacestrue Yellow amp Whitespanli
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divstrongspan datapreserverspacestruePACKAGE INCLUDESspanstrongdiv
lispan datapreserverspacestrue1 x Professional Miter Protractorspanli
Weight | .180 kg |
Dimensions | 30 × 15 × 5 cm |