h3 styletextalign centerstrongspan stylecolor 2b00ffPowerfully Blast Away Years of Rusts And Stainsspanstrongh3
strongspan stylecolor 2b00ffimg stylemarginleft auto marginright auto srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1026932248681t5assetsezgif14860b57fdfd2gif altPortable SandBlaster Trending Point width480 height480 spanstrong
span stylecolor 00aaffstrongSandblasting is one of the most effectivestrongspanspan stylecolor 00aaffstrong ways to remove ruststrongspan if done properly The strongspan stylecolor ff8000Portable Sand Blasterspan strongworks better than any paint stripping agent out there because span stylecolor 2b00ffstrongsand particles are so small they can easily enter small cracks and crevicesstrongspan going undiscovered for years
Portable Sand Blastersspan stylecolor 00aaffstrongem emgravity feed feature is perfect for any type of sandblasting job strongspanThis span stylecolor ff8000strongsimple and small sandblaster is incomparable to conventional competitors as strongspanit offers span stylecolor 2b00ffstronghigh flexibility and convenience of usestrongspan It also span stylecolor 00aaffstrongprovides fast setup and very easy to usestrongspan This is span stylecolor ff8000strongone compressed air tool that is worth your investmentstrongspan
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lispan stylecolor 2b00ffstrongTHE PORTABLE SANDBLASTERstrongspan This small air tool has got what it takes to be the big bad wolf in media blastingspan stylecolor 2b00ffstrong It supports various sandblasting mediastrongspan like steel grit glass beads walnut shells silicon carbide aluminum oxide and much moreli
lispan stylecolor 00aaffstrongGRAVITY FEED SANDBLASTER GUNstrong spanDesigned to operate initially as a gravityfed sandblaster which span stylecolor 00aaffstrongoffers flexibility and perfect for spot sandblasting strongspanPerfect for DIY projects and surface preparations for automotive careli
lispan stylecolor ff8000strongRELIABLEstrong spanThis is one reliable sandblaster gunspan stylecolor ff8000strong you can use flexibly in different workshops strongspanThis is your ideal gravity feed sandblaster gunli
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listrongPot Capacitystrong 21lbsli
listrongWeightstrong 178 lbs 081 kgli
listrongLengthstrong 1004 255mmli
listrongIntake Jointstrong 14 inli
listrongAir Pressurestrong 90 Psili
listrongMaterialstrong Aluminumli
listrongSizestrong 285mm x 255mm x 90mm 1122 x 1004 x 354inli
listrongPacking Sizestrong 58 x 53 x 32cm 2283 x 2087 x 126inli
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li 1 x Portable Sand Blasterli
strong strong
td border 1px solid cccbr msodataplacementsamecell