p classdetaildescdecoratecontent stylefontfamily OpenSansfontsize 14pxfontweight 300lineheight 20pxmarginbottom 12pxUse noninvasive atomizer Note
1 If the ampoule is used once it can not be used anymore because it is a disposable ampoule
2 White plastic head disinfection before use if improper use then the white plastic parts will not turn well then look at the silver hardware inside the screw there is nothing blocked
3 Use can not be always hair but to follow the steps to do if ever hair it may lead to gun fever quickly and it will automatically protect the protection after the fight to wait for it to reach the normal use temperature Can be used under
4 use 30 minutes wait 5 minutes to cool then use if the heat can not lead to that it is all right so it can be cooled 2 to 3 minutes to normal use this is normal but also can not say that gun problem
Noninvasive nebulizer therapy Note
1 Do not squeeze the injection site after injection for different physical groups the performance after injection will be different The main phenomenon is the presence of red spots or small blood drops in the injection site these are normal the normal recovery period of 1 week some differences in physical fitness for 2 weeks
2 2 days after use do not makeup pay attention to sunscreen do not soak in hot springs less exercise apply more mask
3 The initial operation or the site of the wound is forbidden to use People with many teeth in the teeth are forbidden to use Those who are very weak in sebum membrane are hard to fade red when they touch the skin and those who are allergic to leukemia can not use it
4 Face surgery and deep exfoliation did not recover the crowd can not do people receiving radiotherapy can not do
5 After doing care do not use their own ointment skin care products or cosmetics to clean the treatment area and do not touch the treatment area to reduce the risk of infectionp
1 Take the instrument and put it on the table
2 Place the injection pen in the pressure regulator
3 Push the push rod to the end and pressurize finish
4 Remove the switch head and spray from the sterile bag
5 Close the switch head to the syringe and turn the gain to the right
6 Put the switch head in the bottle and use the piston to pull the required
7 Adjust the corresponding gauge line with the injection pen
8 Turn the syringe clock into the injection pen
9 If there is a bubble in the syringe gently tap it with your finger to the bubble
Ascend to the top
10 Take the instrument vertically turn the bottom of the instrument to the right
Shoot the gap and the air until the water drops on the syringe
11 The instrument is aimed at the fixed point and the corresponding force the
Injection is done by the injection key use the medical cotton swab to put on the needle
Eye for a minute dont rub