lilie detector is a really fun game to play with a group friends especially for party game it detects lies by shocking when your friend who lies it will shockli
liCool way to make you sweat bullets Fun for person thinking of crazy questions To the person squirming trying to answerli
liThe shock isnt very intense but it is enough to make you jump a little Its more the nervous anticipation that makes the game funli
li6 persons are perfect to play with put your finger into the small light random rotation when the voice sobbing sopped when the indicator light which refers to the game player Loser fingers will be a shockli
liGreat Party Gift for friends family its a hit with kids and friends A very fun game to play on family game nightli
h3Lie Detectorh3
Lie Detector is a really fun game to play with a group friends especially for party game It detects lies by shocking when your friend who lies it will shock Shocking party game when the beep stopped when the screaming started The shock isnt very intense but it is enough to make you jump a little Its more the nervous anticipation that makes the game fun Makes for a very interesting night with friends