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span stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserifstrongspan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserifIntroductionspanstrongspan
ul stylefontfamily Arial Verdana sansserif fontsize 16px
lispan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserifCNBJ707 is a quick gonogo tester relays that provides with indication of the
general health and functioning of the most common Automotive relays
Tester will check for proper functioning of the relay contacts by
connecting the car battery 11V15V to the relay coil Tester will
watch the pin configurationthe time to contacts closure and opening
consistency of the relay during each test session Tester will light the
GREEN LED if all passed during the test sessionif not light the RED
div stylefontfamily Arial Verdana sansserif fontsize 16pxspan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserifstrongspan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserifIntroductionspanstrongspandiv
ul stylefontfamily Arial Verdana sansserif fontsize 16px
lispan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserif1Connect the power leads to the car battery black alligator clip to
negative terminal red alligator clip to positive terminal
lispan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserif2 Tester is powered up when the LED illuminates in REDspanli
lispan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserif3Check the relay before plugging into the tester If its a 4 pin
relayselect4 pin on the testerIf its a 5 pin relay select5 pinon
the tester
lispan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserif4 Plug in the relay into one of the three receptaclesspanli
lispan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserif5 Press the TEST buttonspanli
lispan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserif6Tester will check the pin configuration of the unknown relay Tester
will light the RED LED if the unkonwn relay is not the same to the most
of common automotive relaysor the pin of the unknown relay is destroyedspanli
lispan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserif7Tester will open and close the relay 10 times for testing the time to contacts
closure and opening if the pin configuration of the relay is right
Tester will light the RED LED immediately if the time is overtime
lispan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserif8 Tester will check the consistency of the relay after testing the time
to contacts closure and opening ten times Tester will light the GREEN
LED if the test passed if not light the RED LED
lispan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserif9 Disconnect power leads from the car battery and remove relay from the testerspanli
divspan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserifstrongspan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserif Attentionspanstrongspandiv
ul stylefontfamily Arial Verdana sansserif fontsize 16px
lispan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserif1 The car battery must be 12V battery and the voltage of the battery is among 11V15V
lispan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserif2 Ideal for coil resistance above 20 ohms
div stylefontfamily Arial Verdana sansserif fontsize 16pxdiv
div stylefontfamily Arial Verdana sansserif fontsize 16pxspan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserifstrongPackage Includedstrongspandiv
ul stylefontfamily Arial Verdana sansserif fontsize 16px
lispan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserif1 x spanspan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserifspan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserifspan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserifCar Relay Testerspanspanspanspan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserifstrongIntroductionstrongspan
ul stylefontfamily Arial Verdana sansserif fontsize 16px
lispan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserifCNBJ707 is a quick gonogo tester relays that provides with indication of the
general health and functioning of the most common Automotive relays
Tester will check for proper functioning of the relay contacts by
connecting the car battery 11V15V to the relay coil Tester will
watch the pin configurationthe time to contacts closure and opening
consistency of the relay during each test session Tester will light the
GREEN LED if all passed during the test sessionif not light the RED
div stylefontfamily Arial Verdana sansserif fontsize 16pxspan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserifstrongIntroductionstrongspandiv
ul stylefontfamily Arial Verdana sansserif fontsize 16px
lispan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserif1Connect the power leads to the car battery black alligator clip to
negative terminal red alligator clip to positive terminal
lispan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserif2 Tester is powered up when the LED illuminates in REDspanli
lispan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserif3Check the relay before plugging into the tester If its a 4 pin
relayselect4 pin on the testerIf its a 5 pin relay select5 pinon
the tester
lispan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserif4 Plug in the relay into one of the three receptaclesspanli
lispan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserif5 Press the TEST buttonspanli
lispan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserif6Tester will check the pin configuration of the unknown relay Tester
will light the RED LED if the unkonwn relay is not the same to the most
of common automotive relaysor the pin of the unknown relay is destroyedspanli
lispan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserif7Tester will open and close the relay 10 times for testing the time to contacts
closure and opening if the pin configuration of the relay is right
Tester will light the RED LED immediately if the time is overtime
lispan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserif8 Tester will check the consistency of the relay after testing the time
to contacts closure and opening ten times Tester will light the GREEN
LED if the test passed if not light the RED LED
lispan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserif9 Disconnect power leads from the car battery and remove relay from the testerspanli
divspan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserifstrong Attentionstrongspandiv
ul stylefontfamily Arial Verdana sansserif fontsize 16px
lispan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserif1 The car battery must be 12V battery and the voltage of the battery is among 11V15V
lispan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserif2 Ideal for coil resistance above 20 ohms
div stylefontfamily Arial Verdana sansserif fontsize 16pxdiv
div stylefontfamily Arial Verdana sansserif fontsize 16pxspan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserifstrongPackage Includedstrongspandiv
ul stylefontfamily Arial Verdana sansserif fontsize 16px
lispan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserif1 x spanspan stylefontsize small fontfamily arial helvetica sansserifCar Relay Testerspanli