Product Details
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lispan classalistitem SUPER POWER The slingshots are suitable for adults and can be used in hunting activies The power of the slingshot is enough to get small prey like squirrel rabbits etcspanli
lispan classalistitem PROFESSIONAL There is a wrist band which loads 2 megnets on the band and can be installed on the slingshot The green ammospackage includes and steel slingshot ammos can be attached on the bands It will be very convinient to get slingshot ammos and reduce the times of pickingspanli
lispan classalistitem GIFT CHIOCE As the most memorable childhood toy its suitable as a gift for friends of the childhood allowing you to relive the good times of childhood togetherspanli
lispan classalistitem COSTEFFECTIVE We have provided the 3 slingshot bands and 1 white fiber target additional All bands are 6 strabds of latex tube the fiber target can be used many timesspanli
lispan classalistitem PACKAGE INCLUDING 1 super power slingshot 1 target 3 slingshot bands 50 pcs slingshot ammoThe slingshot ammo Contains iron but it will be resolve in soil after BREAK so its biodegradablespanli
div idserviceCapabilities_feature_div classcelwidget datafeaturenameserviceCapabilities datacsacid1u44aoqsr6mxa09bp7jjdzi1 datacelwidgetserviceCapabilities_feature_divdiv