h4 styletextalign center datamcefragment1span stylecolor 4aa324b datamcefragment1Get Back On Your Flawless and PainFree Legs Againbspanh4
span stylecolor 3d7902b datamcefragment1img stylemarginleft automarginright auto srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1042315120804files20220516_Herbal_AntiVaricose_Knee_Patch_Caleb_01_480x480gifv1652764196 alt bspan
p datamcefragment1span stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1Weve all had those days when we wake up and our legs feel like theyre made of sandbags No matter what we try the heaviness doesnt go away We know how frustrating it is to look at your legs withspanb datamcefragment1 swollen veinsbspan stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1 that are weighing you down Your legs deserve the best and with spanb datamcefragment1Our Herbal Anti Varicose Knee PAtchbspan stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1 youll be able to get back to spanb datamcefragment1living life bspan stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1without worrying about how your legs look and feel spanp
h4 styletextalign center datamcefragment1span stylecolor 408005What Makes This Herbal Anti Varicose Knee Patch An Effective Solution for your Vein Problems spanh4
b datamcefragment1img stylemarginleft automarginright auto srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1042315120804filesVeins_480x480jpgv1652765106 alt width400 height250 b
p datamcefragment1b datamcefragment1Veins bspan stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1are part of the network ofspanb datamcefragment1 blood vesselsbspan stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1 that carry blood around your body One way valves within your veins open and close to prevent blood from traveling the wrong way When these valves are damaged blood collects in the veins in your legs causing increased pressure which leads tospanb datamcefragment1 varicose veinsbspan stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1 These are enlarged and swollen veins that are most commonly found in your legs and feet Theyre usually spanb datamcefragment1blue or purplebspan stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1 and are common in both men and women While there are many treatment options for varicose veins most of them take time to kick in and even then they only provide temporary relief But never fear Our spanb datamcefragment1Herbal AntiVaricose Knee Patchbspan stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1 will give you all the comfort and solution you need in no time MAde from spanb datamcefragment1100 natural ingredients bspan stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1this will absolutely help improve the condition and appearance of your veins without the need for spanb datamcefragment1expensive medical solutionsbp
p datamcefragment1strongimg stylemarginleft automarginright auto srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1042315120804filesDandelion_480x480jpgv1652765151 alt width400 height250 strongp
p datamcefragment1strongDandelionstrong provides calming and relaxing properties to alleviate external or peripheral circulatory problems like varicose veins and hemorrhoidsp
p datamcefragment1img stylemarginleft automarginright auto srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1042315120804filesAstragalus_480x480jpgv1652765189 alt width400 height252 p
p datamcefragment1strongAstragalusstrong considered an adaptogen which is a class of natural substances that are believed to stimulate the bodys resistance to physical environmental and emotional stressors The chemical in astragalus also seems to enhance the immune system and reduce swellingp
h4 styletextalign center datamcefragment1span stylecolor 408304Excellent Benefits of Using Herbal Anti Varicose Knee Patchspanh4
ul datamcefragment1
li stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1span stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1Removes swelling and promotes healthier legs through the removal of damaged blood vesselsspanli
li stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1span stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1Promotes slimmer legs by removing excess water from the region around your kneesspanli
li stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1span stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1Gives you relief from pain associated with varicose veins as well as other symptoms such as burning sensation or itching in your legsspanli
li stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1span stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1Increases healthy blood flowspanli
li stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1span stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1It has fast acting solution that gives instant solution and reliefspanli
li stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1span stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1Prevents the occurrence of other symptoms such asspan span stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1limb fatigue swelling pain and itchingspanli
li stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1span stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1Naturally and organically formulated for safe and gentle usespanli
li stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1span stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1Suitable for both men and women experiencing vein problemsspanli
h4 styletextalign center datamcefragment1span stylecolor 4d8603strongHow To Usestrongspanh4
ol datamcefragment1
li stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1span stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1Peel of the sticky pad beneath the patchspanli
li stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1span stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1Make sure the area specifically your knees are clean and dryspanli
li stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1span stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1Gently place the patch on the affected areaspanli
li stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1span stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1Watch it work its magicspanli
li stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1span stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1Use the patch as much as neededspanli
h4 styletextalign center datamcefragment1span stylecolor 4c8403Specificationsspanh4
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li stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1span stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1Material Nonwoven fabricspanli
li stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1span stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1Size 145mm x 95mmspanli
h4 styletextalign center datamcefragment1span stylecolor 4c8403Product Includesspanh4
ul datamcefragment1
li stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1span stylefontweight 400 datamcefragment1x1 Pack Herbal AntiVaricose Knee Patch x 12pcsspanli
Qty | 1PCS – $19.97, ⭐25%OFF⭐ 2PCS – $24.97, ⭐65%OFF⭐ 5PCS – $34.97 |