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divspan stylefontsize 16pxstrongProduct NamestrongHeatResistant Glass Teapot With Infuserspandiv
divspan stylefontsize 16pxstrongFeaturesstrongspandiv
divspan stylefontsize 16px1 Using High Borosilicate Glass Crystal Clear Good Texturespandiv
divspan stylefontsize 16px2 Has Strong Mechanical Strength And Strong Performance For Rapid Cooling And Hot Temperature Changesspandiv
divspan stylefontsize 16px3 Strong Corrosion Resistance To Chemicals Such As Acids And Basesspandiv
divspan stylefontsize 16px4 Easy To Clean And Does Not Absorb The Taste Of Teaspandiv
divspan stylefontsize 16px5 Applicable To Herbal Tea Black Tea Green Tea Puer Tea Health Tea And Craft Tea Can Also Be Used To Brew Coffee And Milk Products Etcspandiv
divspan stylefontsize 16pxMaterial High Borosilicate Glass Stainless Steel spandiv
divspan stylefontsize 16pxSpecifications 350ml For 1 Person 550ml For 12 People 750ml 23 People 950ml 35 Peoplespandiv
divspan stylefontsize 16pxPacking Carton Packagingspandiv
divspan stylefontsize 16pxList Glass Stainless Steel Glass Teapot X1spandiv
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