span stylefontsize 120pxfabric each collar is made with 100cotton designer fabric i offer a wide varity of styles to make your pup the talk blockspan
span stylefontsize 120pxspreading the fabric is sewn on high quality cotton spreadingspan
span stylefontsize 120pxhardware all hardware is heavy duty Drings are welded for strength and durabilityspan
span stylefontsize 120pxadjustable for a perfect fitspan
across XS3 762 cm
across S3 12 889 cm
across ML4 101 cm
across XL4 12 114 cm
span stylefontsize 120pxBOWTIE DIMENSIONS
XS 175 x 325 44 cm x 82 cmspan
span stylefontsize 120pxSM228 x49 58cm x125cmspan
LXL 275 x 525 698 cm x 133 cm
span stylelineheight 250pxcolor 666666fontfamily arial helvetica sansserifLEASH SIZESspan
span stylelineheight 250pxcolor 666666fontfamily arial helvetica sansserifXS 12 x 4ftspan
span stylelineheight 250pxcolor 666666fontfamily arial helvetica sansserifS 34 x 4ftspan
span stylelineheight 250pxcolor 666666fontfamily arial helvetica sansserifM 34 x 5ftspan
span stylelineheight 250pxcolor 666666fontfamily arial helvetica sansserifL 1 x 5ftspan
span stylelineheight 250pxcolor 666666fontfamily arial helvetica sansserifXL1 x 5ftspan
span stylefontsize 120pxUnlike most bowties made for dogs these are traditional double bowties Each bowtie is hand sewn and attached to collar using elastic strap
The bowtie can be attached to any collar without any alterations to the collar itself span
span stylefontsize 120pxBowties are not machine washable but can be removed from collar and rinsed with water and mild soapspan