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span stylefontfamily OpenSansfontsize 20pxfontweight 900Why do I need a twoinone glass cleanerspan
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p classdetaildescdecoratecontent stylefontfamily OpenSansfontsize 14pxfontweight 300lineheight 20pxmarginbottom 12pxFor most people cleaning the interior and exterior windows bathrooms doors and rearview mirrors of cars is a problem This product brought to you by JOYBOS will solve this problem for youp
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p classdetaildescdecoratetitle stylefontfamily OpenSansfontsize 20pxfontweight 900lineheight 28pxmarginbottom 12pxWhat is the difference between our glass cleaner and othersp
p classdetaildescdecoratecontent stylefontfamily OpenSansfontsize 14pxfontweight 300lineheight 20pxmarginbottom 12pxIt includes a retractable pole that you can extend according to your preference to ensure that dirt is cleaned at high places the retractable pole is easy to assemble and can be disassembled for storage or put in the trunk of a carp
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p classdetaildescdecoratetitle stylefontfamily OpenSansfontsize 20pxfontweight 900lineheight 28pxmarginbottom 12pxWhat you will getp
p classdetaildescdecoratecontent stylefontfamily OpenSansfontsize 14pxfontweight 300lineheight 20pxmarginbottom 12px2in1 window cleaning head
Telescopic rod
Microfiber cloth x1p
If you need to buy additional fabrics you can buy them from our store or contact us
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p classdetaildescdecoratecontent stylefontfamily OpenSansfontsize 14pxfontweight 300lineheight 20pxmarginbottom 12pxWhen using the mop for the first time the gray bendable part of the head needs to be soaked for 30 minutes at 4050 degrees Celsiusp