h3 styletextalign centerNo need to wonder how to span stylecolor ff2a00defrost spanyour food in span stylecolor 2b00ffminutesspan any span stylecolor ff8000longerspanh3
strongImperialstrong Home Quick span stylecolor ff8000strongDefrostingstrong spanTray lets you thaw your frozen meat or food quickly and strongnaturallystrong You do not need to microwave your span stylecolor 00aaffstrongfrozenstrong spanmeat to strongdefroststrong just place on the super span stylecolor ff00ffstrongdefrostingstrong spantray and see the magic
img stylemarginleft automarginright auto srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles125630318files1_5e0524648c1644528e01d248603733e2_480x480jpgv1570233894 alt
This super span stylecolor ff00ffstrongdefrostingstrong spantray is made out of high quality strongthermalstrong conductive span stylecolor 2b00ffstrongmaterialstrong spanto speed up the thawing span stylecolor 015458strongprocessstrong spandramatically
The tray does not need either electricity or batteries It strongdefrostsstrong frozen goods naturally Tray dimensions are 14 inches span stylecolor ff2a00stronglongstrong spanand 8 inches wide
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h3span stylecolor 3510edstrongFeaturesstrongspanh3
span stylecolor 000000strongFASTER DEFROSTstrong Defrost meat or span stylecolor ff8000strongfrozenstrong spanfood quickly and strongnaturallystrong Defrost frozen strongfoodstrong within minutes Thaw chicken strongspan stylecolor ff2a00breastsspanstrong steak pork strongspan stylecolor ff00ffchopsspanstrong lamb span stylecolor 2b00ffstrongchopsstrong spanand more within 2030 minutesspan
span stylecolor 000000strongWATER RESISTANTstrong It is very easy to span stylecolor ff8000strongcleanstrong spanand has span stylecolor 2b00ffstrongdishwasherstrong spansafe You can wash it with the span stylecolor ff2a00strongdishwasherstrong spanand by strongspan stylecolor ff00ffhandspanstrongspan
span stylecolor 000000strongimg stylemarginleft automarginright auto srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles125630318filesdffddf_480x480jpgv1570235211 alt strongspan
span stylecolor 000000strong MAGICAL DEFROSTstrong There is no span stylecolor ff2a00strongchemicalsstrongspan or electricity use while defrosting process As distinct from span stylecolor 00aaffstrongmicrowavestrong spanovens it does not span stylecolor ff00ffstrongcookstrong spanfood during the defrosting strongspan stylecolor 00aaffprocessspanstrong Tray strongdefrostsstrong the meat span stylecolor ff8000strongsafelystrong spanand quicklyspan
span stylecolor 000000img srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles125630318files4_e0726e820c864d869fa11a0600ee2df4_240x240jpgv1570235937 alt img srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles125630318filessd_240x240jpgv1570235972 alt span
h3span stylecolor 2b00ffstrongSpecificationsstrongspanh3
lispan stylecolor 000000strongTypestrong Chopping Blocksspanli
lispan stylecolor 000000strongShapestrong Rectanglespanli
lispan stylecolor 000000strongMaterialstrong Metalspanli
h3span stylecolor 2b00ffstrongPackage Includestrongspanh3
lispan stylecolor 000000strong1strong x Fast Defrosting Meat Trayspanli