div classdetailmodule_text
p classdetaildescdecoratetitleFeaturesp
p classdetaildescdecoratecontentBlocks name City Town By Huiqibao
Gift for boy friend the children 6 years and up Blocks fan collect fans
Fit for the children 6 years and up and Blocks fanp
div classdetailmodule_text
p classdetaildescdecoratetitleSpecificationsp
p classdetaildescdecoratecontent dataspmanchorida2g0odetail1000023i0588614fbpviiUjBlock model HQB6121amp8
Product Material Ecofriendly ABS plastic
Blocks pieces 130pcs
Assembly method Each small set has two Assembly method
Color as picture show
Packing content 1 set 130pcs bricks set with 8 figures include the retail bagp