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h3 classaspacingmini activeA Great Helper amp Household Essentials That You Dont Know You Neededh3
img srchttpsae01alicdncomkfH284eb529d9214ae0a42ba9bdac55a956ZYoupinSothingShoesDryerHeaterPortableShoeDryerElectricUVSterilizationConstantTemperatureDryingDeodorizationjpg althttpsae01alicdncomkfH284eb529d9214ae0a42ba9bdac55a956ZYoupinSothingShoesDryerHeaterPortableShoeDryerElectricUVSterilizationConstantTemperatureDryingDeodorizationjpg
h3span classalistitemEliminate the odor of shoesspanh3
span classalistitemThe use of safe and durable PTC ceramic heating technology the core temperature of up to 150 through the continuous hightemperature drying to destroy the living environment of bacteria to achieve the effect of antibacteria deodorantspan
span classalistitemimg srchttpscdnshopifycdnnetsfiles1060332507374files20211213210822pngv1639400977 alt width501 height353 span
h2 classaspacingminiConvenient to Useh2
Put the shoe dryer in the shoes and plug it in Set the working time mode you want and let it does the rest
If you need to turn off the dryer simply unplug it The shoe dryer is a great helper and household essentials for your needs in winter or on rainy day
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h2 classaspacingminiAnnular Heatingh2
h5 classaspacingmini1532 Heat Dissipation Holesh5
p classaspacingbaseWith annular design this dryers can evenly dissipate heatp
p classaspacingbaseTwo heating elements are on its two sides a ringshaped warm air flow is formed in the shoe space quickly restore the wet shoes to drynessp
p classaspacingbaseimg srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1060332507374files20211214014936pngv1639417807 alt width501 height483 p
h2Fire Resistanceh2
p classaspacingbaseThe shoe dryer is made of ABS UL94 V0 flameretardant material Hightemperature compression and resistance not easy to burn and deform during usep
p classaspacingbaseimg srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1060332507374files20211214014058pngv1639417401 alt width500 height509 p
h2 classaspacingminiIntelligent Auto Timerh2
Support time setting just choose span classatextbold3H 6H 9H spanautoshutdown according to your needs
Low power consumption stable performance suitable for normal shoes or walking shoes cloth shoes boots rain boots gloves socks etc
img srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1060332507374files20211214014444pngv1639417509 alt width501 height529
h2 classaspacingminiMake Shoes Dry amp Comfortableh2
This shoe dryer can remove moisture from shoes and use a sterilization device to inhibit bacterial growth
Put the dryer in your shoes after long hours of work and you can have warm dry shoes It can meet different sizes of adults and teenagers shoes sneakers or work shoes and dries easily
img srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1060332507374files20211214014659pngv1639417658 alt width501 height499