div styletextalign centerspan stylefontsize 18pxspan stylecolor 00aaffstrongThe Tool That Can Help You Cut Things Easilystrongspanspandiv
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div styletextalign leftLooking for the best power tool for sheet metal cutting span stylecolor cf7b27strongWhether youre into creative metal works or a sculptor who constantly works on metalsstrongspan this Double Head Metal Nibbler Cutter is surelyspan stylecolor 00aaffstrong one valuable gadget that is worth the investmentstrongspandiv
This powerful toolspan stylecolor ff2a00strong can easily be inserted into the chuck of an electric or power drill with 3000RPMstrongspan It is designed to span stylecolor c77b2fstrongwork for both straight and curved cutsstrongspan to ensure an span stylecolor 00aaffstrongexcellent cutting performance that makes any DIY job effortlessly convenientstrongspan
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lispan stylecolor 00aaffstrongOPTIMAL PERFORMANCEstrong spanIt makes any cutting job easier faster and saferli
lispan stylecolor c97929strongPRECISEstrong spanThis fits effortlessly into any standard drill and can glide through material up to 2mm thick or 14 gauge to create a precise burrfree edgeli
lispan stylecolor ff2a00strongHIGHLYEFFICIENTstrong spanWith a cutting speed of 1500 3000RPM it guarantees to cut any surface accurately to save you plenty of timeli
listrongspan stylecolor 00aaffUSE ANYWHEREspanstrong It has 360 adjustability making it set in any position for optimum tool clearance when navigating profiles or to facilitate easy material flowli
lispan stylecolor c77b2fstrongMAXIMUM COMFORTstrongspan The handle has an ergonomic design to offer more comfort and stability when in useli
lispan stylecolor ff2a00strongWIDELY USEDstrong spanSuitable to use on sheet metal corrugated material pipes complex profiles powder coated material stainless steel copper Aluminum Formica plastic and fiberglassli
lispan stylecolor 00aaffstrongVERSATILEstrongspan This can also be used for cutting soft materials such as denim leather paper or cardli
lispan stylecolor bc7229strongCOMPACTstrong spanIt can perfectly fit the corner of your toolbox with no fussli
lispan stylecolor ff2a00strongCONVENIENTstrong spanWhether its straight or circle cutting this tool will help you cut any material effortlesslyli
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listrongMaterialstrong Metalli
listrongSpeedstrong 15003000RPMli
listrongHead Diameterstrong 105mmli
listrongMinimum Cutting Radiusstrong 12mmli
listrongMaximum Cutting Capacitystrong
li18mm steel plateli
li10mm stainless steel plate 2mm copper aluminum plastic fibreboard plateli
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li1 x Double Head Sheet Metal Nibbler Cutterli
li1 x Plastic Handleli
li1 x Wrenchli
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Weight | .400 kg |
Dimensions | 13 × 10.5 × 6 cm |