The size of the carbon tube is provided by WokiLeo you need to print the special installation parts for cf before installing the cf tube For more information you can check this URLhttpsgithubcomWokiLeoCarbonfiberXAxis
This is a custom Vonron 24 Xaxis CF tube drilled with high precision cnc accurate size perfect for Vonron 24 3D printer Highquality CF pipe is rigid and lightweight It helps the Vonron 24 3D printer print faster while ensuring high quality
Removing lots of unnecessary weight to make the Printer go faster with better Quality
for a V24 350mm it drops the gantry weight from 1350g to 950g
70g saved by removing the x drag chain
150g saved by using the carbon tube
the rest is saved through the pinmod and other improvements
Look good
be usable for both MGN9 and MGN12
We will measure the straightness of each carbon tube horizontally to ensure that it is within the tolerance range of 015mm The size of the carbon tube is within the range of 202208mm We only guarantee the straightness If you have any doubts you can contact us before purchasing
Vonron 24 250300350
1Packege included
1Voron 24 Xaxis CF tube