Remove that stubborn dirt and grimes miraculously emstrongClean It All KItchen Grease Cleaner Tablet strongemis an effective solution that puts your cleaning power in just one tablet
img srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1052915601595files011922_Clean_It_All_Kitchen_Grease_Cleaner_Tablet_Infographics_04_Wesley_480x480jpgv1643192117 alt
p stylemargin 0px 0px 1emlineheight 14color 212b36fontfamily applesystem BlinkMacSystemFont San Francisco Segoe UI Roboto Helvetica Neue sansseriffontsize 14pxfontstyle normalfontweight 400letterspacing normaltextalign starttextindent 0pxtexttransform noneFormulated with plantbased ingredients absolutely allnatural and free of toxins It is safe for kids pets and pregnant womenp
p stylemargin 0px 0px 1emlineheight 14color 212b36fontfamily applesystem BlinkMacSystemFont San Francisco Segoe UI Roboto Helvetica Neue sansseriffontsize 14pxfontstyle normalfontweight 400letterspacing normaltextalign starttextindent 0pxtexttransform noneimg srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1052915601595files011922_Clean_It_All_Kitchen_Grease_Cleaner_Tablet_Infographics_01_Wesley_480x480jpgv1643192160 alt p
p stylemargin 0px 0px 1emlineheight 14color 212b36fontfamily applesystem BlinkMacSystemFont San Francisco Segoe UI Roboto Helvetica Neue sansseriffontsize 14pxfontstyle normalfontweight 400letterspacing normaltextalign starttextindent 0pxtexttransform noneThis powerful cleaning agent works on a wide variety of applications as it quickly dissolves in waterp
p stylemargin 0px 0px 1emlineheight 14color 212b36fontfamily applesystem BlinkMacSystemFont San Francisco Segoe UI Roboto Helvetica Neue sansseriffontsize 14pxfontstyle normalfontweight 400letterspacing normaltextalign starttextindent 0pxtexttransform noneimg srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1052915601595files011922_Clean_It_All_Kitchen_Grease_Cleaner_Tablet_Infographics_02_Wesley_480x480jpgv1643192175 alt p
p stylemargin 0px 0px 1emlineheight 14color 212b36fontfamily applesystem BlinkMacSystemFont San Francisco Segoe UI Roboto Helvetica Neue sansseriffontsize 14pxfontstyle normalfontweight 400letterspacing normaltextalign starttextindent 0pxtexttransform noneNo more heavy and constant scrubbing getting your hands in daily troublep
p stylemargin 0px 0px 1emlineheight 14color 212b36fontfamily applesystem BlinkMacSystemFont San Francisco Segoe UI Roboto Helvetica Neue sansseriffontsize 14pxfontstyle normalfontweight 400letterspacing normaltextalign starttextindent 0pxtexttransform noneimg srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1052915601595files011922_Clean_It_All_Kitchen_Grease_Cleaner_Tablet_Infographics_05_Wesley_480x480jpgv1643192243 alt p
h2 styletextalign centerbHighlightsbh2
ul stylecolor 212b36fontfamily applesystem BlinkMacSystemFont San Francisco Segoe UI Roboto Helvetica Neue sansseriffontsize 14pxfontstyle normalfontweight 400letterspacing normaltextalign starttextindent 0pxtexttransform none
liPowerful Formula Formulated with plantbased ingredients absolutely allnatural and free of toxinsli
li stylefontweight 400Effective Degreaser This ultimate cleaning solution is tough on grease and dirt all over your kitchen tops and appliance putting your cleaning power in just one tabletli
li stylefontweight 400Environment Friendly no harsh chemicals included contains pure food grade formula absolutely safe for kids pets and pregnant womenli
img srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1052915601595files011922_Clean_It_All_Kitchen_Grease_Cleaner_Tablet_Infographics_03_Wesley_480x480jpgv1643192195 alt
ul stylecolor 212b36fontfamily applesystem BlinkMacSystemFont San Francisco Segoe UI Roboto Helvetica Neue sansseriffontsize 14pxfontstyle normalfontweight 400letterspacing normaltextalign starttextindent 0pxtexttransform none
li stylefontweight 400Multifunctional Cleaner replaces your various cleaning materials with a one in all solution No need to use ammonia or bleach to fully remove the dirt and stainsli
li stylefontweight 400Labor and Time Saving no more serious mopping and degreasing as it cuts down your time scrubbing and washing all aroundli
li stylefontweight 400Method of Application fill in the container with warm or tap water drop a tablet and let it dissolve completely spray on the desired area then wait for at least 5 minutes wipe with a wet fabric to remove the dirt before finally cleaning with a dry clothli
p stylemargin 0px 0px 1emlineheight 14color 212b36fontfamily applesystem BlinkMacSystemFont San Francisco Segoe UI Roboto Helvetica Neue sansseriffontsize 14pxfontstyle normalfontweight 400letterspacing normaltextalign starttextindent 0pxtexttransform noneimg srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1052915601595files011922_Clean_It_All_Kitchen_Grease_Cleaner_Tablet_Infographics_06_Wesley_480x480jpgv1643192212 alt p
h2 styletextalign centerbSpecificationsbh2
p stylemargin 0px 0px 1emlineheight 14color 212b36fontfamily applesystem BlinkMacSystemFont San Francisco Segoe UI Roboto Helvetica Neue sansseriffontsize 14pxfontstyle normalfontweight 400letterspacing normaltextalign starttextindent 0pxtexttransform noneNameKitchen grease cleaner
Capacity1 box 15 capsules 1 capsule 100ml
Weight about 50g
Fragrance Lemonp
p stylemargin 0px 0px 1emlineheight 14color 212b36fontfamily applesystem BlinkMacSystemFont San Francisco Segoe UI Roboto Helvetica Neue sansseriffontsize 14pxfontstyle normalfontweight 400letterspacing normaltextalign starttextindent 0pxtexttransform noneimg classaligncenter stylemarginleft automarginright auto srchttpscdnshopifycomsfiles1042315120804filesGIF_2_ee4b0a0867964d4c9373a7e092a1590b_480x480gifv1642674050 alt p
h2 styletextalign centerbProduct Includesbh2
p stylemargin 0px 0px 1emlineheight 14color 212b36fontfamily applesystem BlinkMacSystemFont San Francisco Segoe UI Roboto Helvetica Neue sansseriffontsize 14pxfontstyle normalfontweight 400letterspacing normaltextalign starttextindent 0pxtexttransform nonespan stylefontweight 40015 x Clean It All Kitchen Grease Cleaner Tabletspanp