p classdetaildescdecoratecontent stylefontfamily OpenSanscolor 000fontweight 300fontsize 14pxlineheight 20pxmarginbottom 12pxFeatures
Product Nameautomotive nano spray coating agent
Product Capacity 100ml 120ml 300ml 500mlp
1Forming a coating layer bright as new forming a coating layer after coating to restore the paint to the factory state
2Dust dirt and other stains are easy to adhere to the paint surface making the paint surface dirty Now with a lotus leaf effect after coating the selfcleaning and hydrophobicity of the paint surface can be improved
3Improve hardness reduce scratches form a protective layer after coating reduce or avoid scratches caused by external forces and reduce damage to paint
4High temperature resistance no trace of burning can effectively resist the oxidative discoloration problem caused by high temperature after coating make the paint brighter
5100 new brand and quality