span stylefontsize 20pxstrongFeature
It is much cheaper than a body repair shop because it does not have high paint materials and labor costs
Save more time no need to wait for car dent repair in repair shop
Environmental protection no chemicals or other toxic materials are used in this process and no paint dent repair can ensure 100 protection of the original paint
The operation is simple most of the dent removal can be completed within half an hour
No need to disassemble the car
This tool is not only used to remove car dents but can also be used for DIY home repairsstrongspan
Steps for usage
1 Clean the surface with a clean damp cloth
2 Stick the glue stick on the gun turn on the power and warm up for 510 minutes
3 Choose the glue pull tab according to the size of the dent then put the heated glue on the pull tab immediately put the pull tab in the center of the dent and keep it until it sticks
4 Let the glue cool for about 810 minutes The cooling time should be less than 10 minutes and it should be slightly shorter in winter
5 After the glue cools align it with a golden dent lifter or bridge dent puller and press the puller to pull up the dent Repeat the above steps until the dent disappears
6 After the dents are completed use 95 alcohol to clean the remaining glue on the surface of the car body with a plastic shovel
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