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p classdetaildescdecoratetitle stylefontfamily OpenSanscolor 000fontweight 900fontsize 20pxlineheight 28pxmarginbottom 12pxHinge Hole Drill Guidep
p classdetaildescdecoratecontent stylefontfamily OpenSanscolor 000fontweight 300fontsize 14pxlineheight 20pxmarginbottom 12pxDowel Jig is designed for installing hinges of furniture door help drilling center hole
The material is Aluminum alloy 6061 surface anodizing treatmentp
span stylecolor 000000fontfamily OpenSansfontsize 20pxfontweight 900Product Sizespan
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p classdetaildescdecoratecontent stylefontfamily OpenSanscolor 000fontweight 300fontsize 14pxlineheight 20pxmarginbottom 12px35mm dowel jig Jig for drilling size up to 35mmp
p classdetaildescdecoratecontent stylefontfamily OpenSanscolor 000fontweight 300fontsize 14pxlineheight 20pxmarginbottom 12pxspan stylefontsize 20pxfontweight 900Multifunctionspanp
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p classdetaildescdecoratecontent stylefontfamily OpenSanscolor 000fontweight 300fontsize 14pxlineheight 20pxmarginbottom 12pxHinge hole drill guide with clamping device center line positoningmargin positoning adjust easy to workp