6 12 Months Maracas Baby Toys Portable Musical Piano Drums Toy Instrument Light Funny Sound Early Education Music Toys For BabyToy Musical InstrumentVARIOUS COLOURS AND LIGHTS Have a total of 9 buttons each button has a different color the baby can know a variety of colors through the process of playing toys when slap three drumsit will emit colorful lights to attract the baby AttentionBEAUTIFUL MUSIC AND RHYTHMThere are three modes of switching In different modes when slap the buttoneach button will emit different sounds with babys laughter music and rhythm of musicdoremifaso Two levels of volume can be adjusted to meet different indoor and outdoor needsPORTABLE FLIP DESIGNThe handle of this hand drum can be folded back and forth which is convenient for the baby to carry when playing The easygrasp handle makes baby enjoy the fun of the baby toys anytime anywhereEXCELLENT EARLY EDUCATION BABY TOYBaby will discover kinds of musical instrument soundssongs and Babys laughter by pressing toy buttons5 keyboards3 lightup hand drums buttonsDrum can play with multiple babies at the same time or Parents and babies can enjoy happy family time togetherRequires 315V battery