p classdetaildescdecoratetitle stylefontfamily OpenSans fontsize 20px fontweight 900 lineheight 28px marginbottom 12pxFeaturep
p classdetaildescdecoratecontent stylefontfamily OpenSans fontsize 14px fontweight 300 lineheight 20px marginbottom 12px1Cost recovery very fast One binding machine can save 3 labors
2Labor saving it can bind 3 4 times more plant than by hand in a unit time
3Time saving it cost less time so when farmers busy with the planting we can have more time to do the other thingsp
p classdetaildescdecoratetitle stylefontfamily OpenSans fontsize 20px fontweight 900 lineheight 28px marginbottom 12pxDescriptionp
p classdetaildescdecoratecontent stylefontfamily OpenSans fontsize 14px fontweight 300 lineheight 20px marginbottom 12px1Pruner TypeRatchet
3FeatureFoldingAntiSlip Grip
4Model NumberBind Branch Machine Garden Tools
5Pruning Tool TypeBind Branch Machinep
p classdetaildescdecoratetitle stylefontfamily OpenSans fontsize 20px fontweight 900 lineheight 28px marginbottom 12pxPackage includedp
p classdetaildescdecoratecontent stylefontfamily OpenSans fontsize 14px fontweight 300 lineheight 20px marginbottom 12pxSet 81 x Machine1 x Tapesp