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span stylefontsize 24pxspan stylefontsize 24pxbProductbspanstrong stylefontsize 24px featurestrongspan
p style roboto arial helvetica sansserif simsunfontsize 14px fontweight 400 letterspacing normal lineheight inherit textalign start margin 0px padding 0px alignstartspan stylefontsize 18pxstrongOutput power 25Wstrongspanp
p style roboto arial helvetica sansserif simsunfontsize 14px fontweight 400 letterspacing normal lineheight inherit textalign start margin 0px padding 0px alignstartspan stylefontsize 18pxstrongNet weight of product 19gstrongspanspan stylefontsize 18pxstrongProduct material ABSstrongspanp
p style roboto arial helvetica sansserif simsunfontsize 14px fontweight 400 letterspacing normal lineheight inherit textalign start margin 0px padding 0px alignstartspan stylefontsize 18pxstrongProduct features USB amp TYPEC dual charging port design apple watch wireless chargingstrongspanp
p style roboto arial helvetica sansserif simsunfontsize 14px fontweight 400 letterspacing normal lineheight inherit textalign start margin 0px padding 0px alignstartspan stylefontsize 28pxstrongBuilt for Apple Watchstrongspanp
p classdetaildescdecoratecontent stylefontfamily OpenSans fontsize 14px fontweight 300 letterspacing normal lineheight 20px textalign start margin 0px 0px 12px 0px padding 0px alignstartspan stylefontsize 24pxstrongCompatible with iWatch 8765432SEstrongspanspan stylefontsize 16pxstrong
Put it on and off wireless and portablestrongspanp
p classdetaildescdecoratetitle stylefontfamily OpenSans fontsize 20px fontweight 900 letterspacing normal lineheight 28px textalign start margin 0px 0px 12px 0px padding 0px alignstartTwo interfaces Plug and playp
p classdetaildescdecoratecontent stylefontfamily OpenSans fontsize 14px fontweight 300 letterspacing normal lineheight 20px textalign start margin 0px 0px 12px 0px padding 0px alignstartstrongspan stylefontsize 18pxCompatible with TypeC and USB interfacespanstrongp
p classdetaildescdecoratecontent stylefontfamily OpenSans fontsize 14px fontweight 300 letterspacing normal lineheight 20px textalign start margin 0px 0px 12px 0px padding 0px alignstartspan stylefontsize 26pxstrongWith Magneticstrongspanp
strongspan stylefontsize 20px fontfamily OpenSans25W High powerspanstrong
p classdetaildescdecoratecontent stylefontfamily OpenSans fontsize 14px fontweight 300 letterspacing normal lineheight 20px textalign start margin 0px 0px 12px 0px padding 0px alignstartstrongspan stylefontsize 20pxApplicable to various scenariosspanstrongp
p classdetaildescdecoratecontent stylefontfamily OpenSans fontsize 14px fontweight 300 letterspacing normal lineheight 20px textalign start margin 0px 0px 12px 0px padding 0px alignstartstrongspan stylefontsize 20pxTablet C port charging TypeC plug
Power bank chargingTypeC plug
Socket or laptop chargingUSBA plugspanstrongp