Using the soldering iron
1 After turning the iron on the bit will commence heating and will be ready for use when the solder wire begins to melt at contact
2 Initiate soldering by ensuring the melted solder makes a clean connection between the contacts that you attempting to solder
3 Move the solder wire and iron away once enough solder is placed and wipe any residual solder using the wet sponge
4 Always remember to switch the iron off at the mains and place it in the provided holder while it cools enough to be stored safely
1 Use safety goggles and take necessary precautions to avoid injury or fire
2 The iron heats up quickly Select a suitable temperature to operate at Using the iron for long hours and at high temp may shorten the life of the product
3 Make sure to only switch the iron on when required and switch it off when not in order to reduce the risk of injury and fire
4 Clean the soldering tip ever so often to extend its life Avoid using abrasive chemicals and surfaces as this could damage the metallic surface
5 The provided bits are 900M series and spares are available from where you purchased this product