div idfeaturebullets_feature_div classcelwidget datafeaturenamefeaturebullets datacsacid1hysutrzjqwjll0uy0vi9nwu datacelwidgetfeaturebullets_feature_div
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h1 classasizebaseplus atextboldAbout this itemh1
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lispan classalistitemARTIFICIAL OUTDOOR PLANTS pack of 14pcs UV Resistant artificial outdoor plants plastic wheat grass is made of ecofriendly plastic UV resistant artificial plants for outdoor decorationspanli
lispan classalistitemADJUSTABLE SIZE OF FAKE GRASS the length of artificial grass is about 1216inches3040cm each bundle has 7 stems and each stem has dense green leaves The leaves are movable so the length can be adjusted according you needsspanli
lispan classalistitemDIFFERENT DECORATION PURPOSE OF OUTDOOR PLANTS artificial tall grass with vivid shape can be used for window box plants kitchen balcony living room bedroom garden or office decoration can also be used for birthday parties wedding decoration Let your room or garden be filled with spring and vitality full of warmth and harmonyspanli
lispan classalistitemMAINTENANCE OF ARTIFICIAL PLANTS artificial grass plants will not fade because of the wind or the sun can maintain bright and beautiful colors for a long time No need for human care it can resist strong stormsspanli
lispan classalistitemTIPS OF ARTIFICIAL GREENERY It is normal the fake grass may smell and you only need to place it in a ventilated environment for a period of time Also the plastic grass may undergo some squeezing during packaging and transportation which may result in slight deformation of the grass or some falling leaves and it can return to the original state with manual installing and spreadingspanli
div idserviceCapabilities_feature_div classcelwidget datafeaturenameserviceCapabilities datacsacid2e3atyxku96pb7840er6644h datacelwidgetserviceCapabilities_feature_divdiv