strongThe individual colors on the scale givestrong
Blue Coating thickness 00100 microns a thin layer of varnish no foundation or repolished varnish
Green The original varnish has a thickness of 100 to 200 microns Warning in newer models a thickness of 180 microns can represent a thin layer of the second varnish
Yellow The coating thickness is 200300 microns after the paint has been repaired second varnish
Red The coating thickness is 300520 microns the surface after repair of the metal plate the second layer of varnish
Black The coating thickness exceeds 520 the surface putty and varnish the amount of putty is approximately 05mm
With a micronlevel color scale
With a magnetic tip it can be glued to any surface or hard to reach
The thickness of the varnish and putty is measured by contacting the tip of the tester with the magnet of the test surface the surface must be clean and free of dust
Used to coat the thickness of the lacquer with an accuracy of 20 microns
Quickly and accurately check if the vehicle has been painted in the past
It is used to increase the thickness of paint coatings that are invisible to the naked eye of vehicles made of steel and galvanized steel No battery required Craftsmanship Waterproof high precision and reliability are easy to use Durable and practical
strongPackage includedstrong
1 Paint thickness tester