h3 styletextalign leftspan stylecolor 3366ffstrongIS THE BRACE RIGHT FOR ME strongspanh3
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h3It is designed to correcth3
h4strongThoracic and Lumbar curvatures up to 45strongh4
h4strongCshape Sshape of the spinestrongh4
h4strongCongenital Scoliosis in Kids age 6 18 yrsstrongh4
h4strongIdiopathic Scoliosis in Adults age 18 80 yrsstrongh4
h4strongPostsurgery Spinal Supportstrongh4
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h3 styletextalign leftBest forh3
ul styletextalign left
liDaily Useli
liDesk Jobli
liLight Sportsli
h3 styletextalign leftspan stylecolor 3366ffstrongSUITABLE FOR TEENS AND ADULTSstrongspanh3
p styletextalign leftstrongKIDS AND TEENSstrongp
p styletextalign left1 Avoid and eliminate back rods and surgeryp
p styletextalign left2 No real restrictions on sports or activitiesp
p styletextalign left3 Improved body image and confidencep
p styletextalign left4 Proactive noninvasive interventionp
p styletextalign leftstrongADULTSstrongp
p styletextalign left1 Reduces scoliosisrelated painp
p styletextalign left2 Improves curvature and stops the progressionp
p styletextalign left3 Works for both fused and nonfused patientsp
p styletextalign left4 Can be worn under or over clothingp
h3strongspan stylecolor 3366ffFEATURES AND BENEFITSspanstrongh3
p classuppercasestrongOVERCORRECTIVEstrongp
Our Back Brace is an overcorrective scoliosis brace It works by guiding your spine into a posture that is the opposite of the curve
It aims to reduce the scoliosis curve while improving the overall appearance of your body and reducing the pain waves
p classuppercasestrongHIGHLY EFFICIENT amp COMFORTABLEstrongp
This brace is designed for long term stability while keeping its high efficiency
Shoulder straps waist traps and other bodytouch parts are soft cushioned
The brace is unisex and suitable for people of all ages with height above 410
p classuppercasestrongADJUSTABLE amp COSTEFFECTIVEstrongp
It is easy to adjust to your height and spine curvature Most suitable for growing spines
saving you the cost of a new brace every few years The 360 strap hinges and correction belt height adjustor provides perfect alignment each time
p classuppercasestrongMODERN LIGHT ENGINEERINGstrongp
This brace is designed based on three principles of biomedical engineering Aluminum Alloy Support Bar Bracket Height Adjustable and Mesh Breathable Material It has a perfect 1010 biomedical engineering score
h3strongspan stylecolor 3366ffSIZING GUIDEspanstrongh3
Suitable for individuals with strong stylecolor 555555fontsize 144pxHeight more than 125 cm 410strong
h3 classaccordionitemspan stylecolor 3366ffstrongPACKAGE INCLUDESstrongspanh3
1 Scoliosis posture corrector
Weight | 1.173 kg |
Dimensions | 39 × 25 × 18 cm |
Side | Left, Right |